Activist Justice Horn Helps Kansas City Metro World Cup Effort

One of Kansas City's rising star activists was recently named to the City of Independence FIFA World Cup Advisory Committee.

Don't be a hater . . . Whilst you/we were busy complaining on the Internets . . . This metro leader continues to add more achievements to his résumé and boost his civic involvement. No matter which partisan viewpoint they represent, we can only hope more young people are inspired to become this involved and volunteer to benefit the community.

Here's a bit more explanation from Justice Horn . . .

"Although I’m a Blue Springs resident, the City of Independence looked for people, both residents and non-residents, who come from every part of the community, including representatives from the City, the Independence Chamber of Commerce, the Harry S. Truman Presidential Library, folks from the hospitality industry, and transportation specialist to establish this committee."

Read more via link . . .
