Show-Me Minimum Wage Spike To 15 Bucks An Hour?!?!

Adjusting for inflation . . . This still isn't a livable wage and really not so radical.

The bad part is that small biz STILL can't afford it.

Here's a peek at the progress and a worsening economy:

The ballot measure backed by Missouri Jobs with Justice would raise the minimum wage from its current $12.30 an hour to $13.75 an hour next year and then to $15 an hour in 2026.

Citizen-driven amendments to Missouri law require more than 100,000 voter signatures to get on the ballot, and Missouri Jobs with Justice said it submitted about 210,000. Republican Secretary of State Jay Ashcroft's office must next determine if at least 115,000 or so are valid.

Read more via link . . .

ABC News: Campaign to raise Missouri's minimum wage to $15 an hour confident it will get on the ballot
