Prairie Village Zoning Protest Persists

Here's the deal . . . 

Not so long ago, we would often scoff at this movement until we learned more . . .

From our vantage . . .

Basically, a group of suburban neighbors are fighting desperately to keep their community intact whilst politicos and urban planners attempt to enact . . . For lack of a better term . . . Radical changes by way of zoning.

The only problem . . . 

Most of the ideas are proposed without consent, votes or very much public support beyond a few social media buddies who denounce all opposition as racist . . . Which is kinda funny coming from other middle-class white people in Prairie Village.

Accordingly . . . 

Here's an update from a blog that continues to lose fans over this very issue . . .

"The intensity during the public comment portion of the Prairie Village Planning Commission meeting on Tuesday was palpable, as speakers at times directed somewhat hostile comments toward city leaders for what they described as the city’s lack of transparency and buy-in from residents on the proposed zoning code updates."

Read more via link . . .

PV housing talks heat up after tense meeting on zoning codes

Following tense pushback from residents on Tuesday evening, the planning commission decided to table the Prairie Village zoning code update.
