Police Reassure Hereford House Patrons: 'No Ongoing Risk' Of Infectious Disease

A suspected kitchen worker creeper gave up his right to medical privacy when he ALLEGEDLY DID SOME VERY NASTY THING TO FOOD HE WAS SERVING . . .

Now here's the aftermath report that should offer some former customers a chance to breath a sigh of relief . . .

"On Tuesday, Leawood police provided an update that should be somewhat reassuring. “Test results from the suspect indicate no ongoing risk to patrons from infectious diseases,” wrote Leawood Police Chief Brad Robbins.

"It does not mean no one suffered any GI symptoms from food-borne illness, but it rules out the possibility of any contagious disease being spread by the bodily fluids the suspect is accused of placing on food."

Read more via www.TonysKansasCity.com link . . .

Test results show no ongoing risks for infectious disease after contamination at Hereford House, police say

Tests results revealed there is no ongoing risks for infectious disease for customers at Hereford House after food was contaminated by a suspect in April.

Officials say 'no ongoing risk' to diners from Hereford House food contamination

Ever since authorities announced that a man had been charged with a crime for intentionally contaminating food at Leawood's Hereford House, many people who ate there have wondered about the health impacts on them.

Developing . . .
