Playlist: Harrison Butker Has Become Liability For Kansas City Chiefs?!?

We start this open question with an axiom . . .

For well-informed fans, workers, athletes, coaches and gambling addicts .  . . The NFL in an acronym which means: Not For Long. 

Translation . . . 

Success is mostly fleeting in pro-football and, for the most past, even the greatest "dynasty" can crumble in a matter of weeks.

And this brings us to to the dude who is currently the most celebrated Catholic in the United States. 

Our consideration in the midst of controversy . . .

More than anything else, football is a mind game, it may seem like the game is predicated on physical talent but the reality is that strong, fast and skilled athletes are a dime a dozen. What often determines success in the NFL is unwavering commitment, fortitude and dedication to the game that often comes as a detriment to health and family. 

Basically . . .

The professionals playing football for a living have put the game ahead of EVERYTHING else in their lives.

This act of sacrifice is greatly rewarded for the very best even if it leaves a horrific trail of traumatic injuries in its wake . . .

Again . . .

As much as the game is a competition amongst some of the strongest & fastest people in the world. It also a test of will and determination.

Moreover . . . 

NFL kickers are notoriously "in their heads" and their performance is often more mental than physical. 

And all of this brings us to the recent Catholic pronouncements and culture war declarations of Harrison Butker and his fight against "hate" and the overwhelming backlash he has engendered.

Our contention and analysis of this sitch . . .

Mr. Butker has sparked an outpouring of negative sentiment and culture war reaction that is likely to impact the team beyond the current media cycle.

Of course he has MILLIONS OF SUPPORTERS who have shown their devotion by purchasing his merch.

However . . . 

The will of the plebs might not be the determining factor in this ongoing conversation. 

What most haven't considered . . .

The BILLION-DOLLAR companies and brands who fund NFL advertising are decidedly more progressive and often, antithetical to Mr. Butker's worldview. Like it or not, adherence to corporate values is far more important than Harrison Butker's allegiance to Catholic dogma. 

The very real question . . . Is Mr. Butker willing to oppose corporate mandates for inclusivity of working women and some of the very same people he refers to as "degenerates" at the expense of his very lucrative career??? 

And here's where it gets worse . . . Are his teammates willing to make those same allowances for "freedom of speech" at the expense of their opulent lifestyles???

Go ahead and do the math on that . . . We'll wait. 

In the meantime . . .

This is a debate that didn't have to occur . . . Pleasantries offered to a smallish Catholic college don't mean much in the grand scheme of things. 

A TKC personal aside that hopefully isn't too preachy . . .

For all of Mr. Butker's pronouncements about Christianity . . . We watched the speech in full and didn't notice very much consideration for compassion and love which define the teachings of Jesus Christ.

Sadly . . . 

The controversy has once again exposed divisions amongst Americans, football fans, our corporate rulers and faith communities for a pastime that is predicated on briefly forgetting these very real concerns if only for a few precious moments.

And all of this inspires our playlist on the topic of Catholic life and snark.

Because this Catholic debate isn't going to hold up at all in a few weeks and will seem ridiculous if the Chiefs don't win another Super Bowl. We start our list with the hit "Rock Of Ages" from Def Leppard by way of a 80s campy video that's mostly cringe.

Speaking of outdated . . . The 1971 Broadway musical "Godspell" actually holds up better than most if only because of its hokey sincerity.

Long time TKC readers already know this but our favorite fun fact of the 90s is that Lenny Kravitz - Are You Gonna Go My Way is actually about the Big JC and following his path . . . Even better, the back beat is excellent along with with one of the best guitar riffs in rock history.

For the break, no playlist about religion would be complete without one track from U2 . . . "Pride" might be the obvious choice but we went with the more downbeat "One" which is a melancholy song that was adopted by AIDS relief organization at one of the worst points in the pandemic. Still, as the years went on, it was the compassion of so many Americans that outweighed fear and hate directed toward victims of the virus.

Madonna - Like A Prayer concludes our playlist and is apropos given that this rhythmic expression of Catholic defiance cost the diva MILLIONS worth of advertising cash from Pepsi. Nevertheless, the 1989 track remains inspiring and has outlived the controversy from a singer who was defined by her pop music challenges against Catholic guilt, sexual mores and faith-based obedience.

As always, thanks for reading this week and have a safe & fun Saturday night.
