Kansas Rep. Sharice Davids Shares Support 'Elder Pride' Act

Again, we note the JoCo incumbent is mostly keeping a low profile . . . But here's a bit of publicity on the national level and something that might garner support from the legions of JoCo housewives who support her . . . Check-it . . .

"Seniors who are LGBTQ+ or living with HIV and live in rural communities often face barriers to support and resources because of geography, costs, insufficient broadband infrastructure, lack of specialized providers, or stigma, notes a press release from Reps. Mark Pocan, Sharice Davids, and Suzanne Bonamici, all Democrats. Their Elder Pride Act would update the Older Americans Act and provide funding to help rural Area Agencies on Aging offer specific services for these populations."

Read more via www.TonysKansasCity.com link . . .

Democrats introduce bill to aid older LGBTQ+ Americans in rural areas

The Elder Pride Act would establish a grant program to improve services for this population.
