Kansas City Star Sells Nothing-Burger Royals Ticket Hit Piece

Before we even get started . . .


That's an unfair but fun-fact that everyone older than 30 in Kansas City already knows.

Grow up and stop making your life harder by believing political ethics taught by School House Rocks.

The real punchline . . . Most of the time these tickets are pretty much worthless and serve as more of a burden to elected officials. 

However . . .

What we notice from this Star report is that it's just a hit piece with very little value to readers and mostly serving to strengthen their political connections. 

That's fair play . . . It's how politics in KCMO is played  . . . The only problem is that we're not sure there's very much punch left in a hit piece from the Star.

In fact . . . Most locals would rather watch viral videos or check-in on the new loves of former exes. 

Still . . .

Dox from last year might get the Courthouse talking if only to keep most of the employees down there from doing any real work . . . 

So here's a bit of description and the story . . .

“Hi Adam,” legislator DaRon McGee’s email began to Adam Sachs, the team’s the chief legal counsel and public point man on the stadium issue. “Is it possible (to) get 4 suite tickets for Saturday’s game?” McGee knew enough to copy Royals owner John Sherman’s personal assistant on the email, as she would be the one who would ultimately fulfill his request.

Read more via www.TonysKansasCity.com link . . .

County official who put stadium tax on ballot sought suite tickets as talks were in play

County Legislator DaRon McGee said he had planned to pay for the free suite tickets from the Royals but that it "slipped my mind."
