Kansas City Prog Blog Proclaims: Students Need Head Check After Pandemic

The "science" offers another reason to put the NEXTGEN on prescriptions . . . Here's the dire prognosis:

"The reasons behind the rise in mental health issues among children and adolescents remain unclear. Mental health professionals often point to smartphones, social media and — a big one — the hangover from the pandemic shutdown. Younger people also possess a growing desire for mental health care and are more willing to ask for it.

"But whatever the cause, the reality is that many young patients in need of care go untreated. And that is raising alarms — all the more concerning because this generation of parents, counselors and kids is the first to deal with the aftereffects of the pandemic, the consequences of social media or what never-ending alerts on kids’ phones might mean for their well-being."

Read more via www.TonysKansasCity.com link . . .

Youth mental health care is coming directly to Kansas City schools

Youth mental health care is in crisis, experts say. One group is trying to help by taking therapy directly to Kansas City students at school.
