Kansas City Hipsters Share Well Deserved Praise For Heidi Gardner

From our pretend alt. mag . . . 

Given that she's one of the best celebs out there with a local conneciton, there's a chance that it wasn't her publicist who answered this e-mail from a formerly glorious local mag . . . Check-it:

"Ahead of her upcoming Big Slick rehearsals, we pinged Gardner with our mindless questionnaire. Her rapid-fire responses were sheer perfection. We’re guessing all those years studying improv finally paid off. Bless."

Read more via www.TonysKansasCity.com link . . .

Four Inane Questions with Big Slick host (and SNL comic) Heidi Gardner

Catching up with Saturday Night Live's Heidi Gardner ahead of her showing at the Annual Big Slick event this summer.
