Kansas City Faith Scribes Reconsiders Cemetery Afterlife

An alternative perspective on the Kansas City end game along with something less than reassurance regarding the remains of loved ones . . .

Only slightly less entertaining than the plot from the Poltergeist movies . . . Here's the word: 

"Because death is a central concern of religions, each one tries to explain it and create comforting ways to mark its reality. Serious stuff, death. Libraries are packed with books about it, some even readable.

"So the dozens of area cemeteries — most operated for profit — must treat death seriously. And yet odd, even funny things happen at cemeteries."

Read more via www.TonysKansasCity.com link . . .

KC Cemeteries Adapt to Changes in Dealing with Death

Kansas City cemetery operators are adapting to changes in how we deal with death. The biggest challenge is maintaining burial grounds of those who came before.
