Kansas City Alligator Remains At Large

Maybe our favorite story of Memorial Day Weekend 2024 . . . In our imagination the reptile is bigger, adventurous and spending this weekend looking for fun activities, nice restaurants and maybe one of the better local patios to get some quality phone time . . . Check-it:

As of Friday, KC Pet Project’s efforts to search for the gator have proven fruitless.

“We’re really hoping that the animal does not get hit by a car, and that’s really our main concern at this point,” said Tory Fugate, KC Pet Project’s Chief Communications Officer. “We’re really depending on the community to help us with this case, so if you see anything, if you hear anything, if your kids may have mentioned something last night when they got home, please call us and tell us.”

Read more via www.TonysKansasCity.com link . . .

Search continues for escaped alligator in Kansas City's Northland

A foot-long alligator escaped from Thorni Ridge Exotics Mobile Petting Zoo that visited Lakeview Middle School on Thursday, May 23, around 11 a.m.
