Kansas ACLU Responds To AG Kris Kobach Lawsuit Against Prez Biden

Posted in fairness . . . However, from our perspective that we want to share with readers: This statement is more political than legally based . . . In the end, it's likely SCOTUS will decide. 

Here's the word . . .

"Mr. Kobach either inherently misunderstands the intent and impact of Title IX protections, or he purposefully misinterprets them.

The U.S. Department of Education's rules require that schools guarantee that all students, including survivors of sexual harassment, LGBTQ students, and pregnant and parenting students, have full and equal access to educational opportunities regardless of sex. To Mr. Kobach, the issuance of the rule is an opportunity to advance his extreme agenda — but for Kansans who face sexual harassment and violence, this is about protecting their right to be safe in leaving their rooms, going to class, or getting help they need.

Mr. Kobach is claiming that he is standing up for girls and women. But what he is really doing is continuing his decades-long crusade against our shared values and fundamental rights, using his misleading legal interpretations to try to transform the law into a tool that persecutes Kansans instead of protecting them." 

Read more via www.TonysKansasCity.com link . . .

ACLU of Kansas Statement on AG Kobach Lawsuit Over Final Title IX Rule

To Mr. Kobach, the issuance of the rule is an opportunity to advance his extreme agenda - but for Kansans who face sexual harassment and violence, this is about protecting their right to be safe in leaving their rooms, going to class, or getting help they need.
