Huff Post Hit Piece Targets Johnson County Sheriff Hayden

A progressive website recently penned a polemic of a few thousand words regarding the saga of JoCo Sheriff Hayden. 

Most of it cribbed directly from the notes of Kansas Democrats. 

That's cool . . . The reality is that, like it or not, the law man is in for a tough reelection fight. 

Still . . .

As with most things, the contest will come down to a political truism:

Demographics is destiny.

The axiom explains the real cause of so many wars across the world, why the trendiest local hipsters can list three metro options for gourmet pupusas with a straight face AND this minor Sunflower election.

Accordingly . . .

Here's the only truism worth picking out from the screed for our loyal readers . . .

"It’s true that (Sheriff) Hayden’s jurisdiction has gone through a transformation during his tenure. Johnson County, like other suburban counties outside growing metropolitan areas around the United States, has gotten more populated, more diverse, and more Democratic since Hayden first became sheriff in 2017, and certainly since he first joined the force in 1981.

"Between 2010 and 2020, Johnson County added 65,684 residents, marking the most growth in the entire Kansas City region, according to a report from the Mid-America Regional Council. People of color made up 92% of the region’s population growth during that period, according to the same report. And since 2005, the GOP share of voter registrations has fallen nearly 10% in Johnson County, while there was a 41% rise in registered Democrats between 2016 and 2020 alone."

Read more via link . . .

A Kansas Sheriff's 'Election Fraud' Investigation Has People Alarmed

Calvin Hayden "didn't know anything about elections." Then, Johnson County voted for Joe Biden.

Developing . . .
