What About Those Sketchy Jackson County Question 1 Polls?!?

It's very seldom that we get nice notes here at www.TonysKansasCity.com and so we want to take a minute to share word sent our way from a KICK-ASS TKC READER who has clearly been paying very close attention to the hot mess in the making. 

Posted only because we want to encourage refreshingly courteous reader interaction and because close readers know that we also fell for a bit of flashy polling data in the much the same way that we're a sucker for any movie with Liz Berkley . . . All two of them.

OTR . . . Here's the word . . .

"You forgot that the polling supposedly showed a close election. There is no way that poll was real. So either the Royals lied in an attempt to downplay the opposition or THE VOTE YES CAMPAIGN lied so that the teams would continue the fight (and the money) even though THEY knew it was doomed.  If it’s the latter the teams will probably be pissed enough to complain.  If it’s the former no one will ever be called out on it.

"I enjoyed your comments but there really is no place for the Royals to go.  No other local municipality will fund a new stadium. Moving to another city would be so costly that I cannot believe Sherman would lose hundreds  of millions just to spite KC.  Just look at the Oakland fiasco and you can see what he would be up against."

Developing . . .
