Welcome To Kansas City 'Weirdo' Season Of Outdoor Protest!!!

A very bold dude shares more than a bit of political cleverness with our blog community today. 

And, for those who have the discipline to debate with civility in the public square . . . Maybe another fun & free outdoor activity?!?!

Here at TKC we attempt to present every argument objectively and so we'll merely quote this slice of life and offer a preview of more impromptu political gatherings as campaign season 2024 takes hold:

"It's that time of year blow the dust off the weirdo sign, warmer weather = protest season.  Today at the Planned Parenthood in Wyandotte County protesters stood out and yelled at the women trying to get health care. Funny thing when I show up with this weirdo sign they fold up like a cheap magazine. We'll on to the next protest, hoping we have a Trump rally in the area soon."

Another look via photo sent to our www.TonysKansasCity.com blog community . . .

Developing . . .
