TKC Told You So: Jeff City GOP Targets Kansas City Funding Over Sanctuary City Beef

Make no mistake . . .


Even worse . . .

The defense against this move can't help but double down on support of Prez Biden policy. 

Accordingly . . .

Here's Jeff City politics conspiring against the economic future of this town once again . . .

The last item added to the state budget Wednesday during deliberations of the Senate Appropriations Committee was language that cuts all state funding for cities that become sanctuaries for immigrants. It also requires any money already received by those cities to be paid back with interest.

The provision, added to the budget at the urging of Republican state Sen. Tony Luetkemeyer of Parkville, came in response to statements Lucas made, first to Bloomberg News and later to local media and on social media, that he is in talks with mayors in New York and Denver to help them with large numbers of recently arrived migrants.

“We wanted to have the clawback provisions in there to make sure that if he does that, once we’re out of session, and some of that money is expended by the city of Kansas City, the state has the ability to seek reimbursement of that, as well as interest,” Luetkemeyer said.

The language almost passed unnoticed in the fast-paced hearing, until state Sen. Barbara Washington, a Kansas City Democrat, raised objections.

She said the provision is borne of cruelty to migrants and animosity toward a city controlled by Democrats.

Read more via link . . .

Senate committee adds anti-immigration sanctions to Missouri budget targeting Kansas City * Missouri Independent

Missouri Republican lawmakers are targeting Kansas City with sanctions if it proceeds with plans to welcome migrants with clearance to work.
