Show-Me Inhumane 'Cutdown Procedure' Debate Ahead Of Missouri Execution

Warning . . .

These deets are gory AND YET they are very much a real part of an upcoming state action following even more horrific atrocities documented in the killer's conviction. 


A federal court appeal focuses on how Missouri injects the fatal dose of pentobarbital. The written protocol calls for insertion of primary and secondary intravenous lines. But it offers no guidance on how far the execution team can go to find a suitable vein, leaving open the possibility of an invasive "cutdown procedure," Dorsey's attorneys say.

The procedure involves an incision that could be several inches wide and several inches deep. Forceps are used to tear tissue away from a vein that becomes the injection point.

A spokesperson for Missouri Attorney General Andrew Bailey didn't comment but referred to the state's response to the appeal.

"Cut-down procedures are rarely, if ever, used under Missouri's execution protocol," the response stated. "And in the event that a cut-down procedure were necessary, medical personnel have access to pain relieving medications."

Read more via link . . .

Condemned Missouri inmate could face "surgery without anesthesia' if good vein is elusive, lawyers say

The procedure involves an incision that could be several inches wide and several inches deep.
