This one nearly slipped under our radar but a recent Missouri face-off is worthy of consideration this weekend.
Our main question . . .
Maybe TKC is paranoid . . . But we think it's "a bit brash" to openly bark at a dude with a VERY POWERFUL DAD who might still be able to make a few calls to even more powerful friends in the nation's capital.
Maybe (probably) State Senator Hoskins has more confidence than TKC and won't spend the next 4 years worrying about black helicopters.
Or . . . Maybe this bit of social media bravado might just be more political theater that works out for everybody?!?!?
What we know for sure is that only Richard Pryor & and the very best Kansas City Chiefs fans can successfully pull off a red blazer.
Either way . . .
We trust that cooler heads will prevail after and that this episode won't give elicit a moment of doubt in voters regarding the maturity of their elected officials . . . Check-it:
Senator Denny Hoskins, a GOP candidate running for Secretary of State, confronted current SOS Jay Ashcroft at a campaign event Friday night.
State Senator Denny Hoskins (R-Warrensburg), a primary candidate competing for the party nomination to run for Secretary of State, took issue with something the current Secretary of State Jay Ashcroft allegedly said to his wife after delivering a stump speech at the Perry County Lincoln Day Dinner.
The response . . .
In a statement, Ashcroft's campaign denies Hoskins' accusations.
"I neither insulted his wife nor pointed at her," Ashcroft said. "Senator Hoskins' outburst is concerning but I understand how stressful a campaign can be and I'm willing to let bygones be bygones."
Read more via www.TonysKansasCity.com link . . .
'I will never be embarrassed about sticking up for my wife': Hoskins confronts Ashcroft
Senator Denny Hoskins, a GOP candidate running for Secretary of State, confronted current SOS Jay Ashcroft at a campaign event Friday night.
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