LGBT Commish Justice Horn Reacts To Stadium Tax Defeat

The rising star in local politics offers his insight into the aftermath of a taxpayer revolt . .  . Mostly, his words call for unity and more public participation which is ABSOLUTELY important for both sides.

However . . .

Read closely and insiders & readers might be able to get a glimpse of political ambitions going forward . . . Check-it:

"Elections are a beautiful way for the community to send a strong, united message to those who serve them. No matter the outcome, it’s a way folks stood up to raise their voice on an issue.

"This is not an admirable way to lose an election.

"It’s almost like a punishment. Like, “how dare this community stand up and do that?” So now I’m going to go and aid those wanting to take these teams just to prove a point to this community.

"It’s extremely vindictive and is exactly what a sore loser would do."

Developing . . .
