KK Declares: Defund NPR & PBS!!!

A bold statement from a longtime Kansas City sports journalist offers another peek at conservative argumentation this week. 

To wit . . .


Long, long ago . . . Reasonable people once championed Sesame Street and other classical music offerings that no other outlet would provide  . . .  

Mr. Rodgers speaking on behalf PBS is impossible to deny and it's hard to believe people were ever that good. .

But things have changed. 

Now, the online world of digital distribution and so many nonprofit foundations negate the contention that consumers couldn't support high quality content in other venues.

Also . . . Both NPR & PBS often argue that only a small portion of their funding comes from the government and "viewers like you" provide most of their cash . . . That's not REALLY correct given that charitable trusts & corporate donations serve to power this national news juggernaut. 

Accordingly . . .

Here's a peek at a top ranking local conservative hoping to get the government out of progressive subsidy . . . Check-it:

"With a bombshell column by a journalist at National Public Radio describing a place where journalism has died and liberal activism has taken over, it's a reminder we must defund and end public broadcasting. Your tax dollars pay for over $600 million a year to fund NPR and PBS and we've now learned that NPR has 87 registered dems working there and no registered Republicans."

Read more via www.TonysKansasCity.com link . . .

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With a bombshell column by a journalist at National Public Radio describing a place where journalism has died and liberal activism has taken over, it's a reminder we must defund and end public broadcasting. Your tax dollars pay for over $600 million a year to fund NPR and PBS and we've now learned that NPR has 87 registered dems working there and no registered Republicans.
