Kansas Prog Blog Heaps Praise Upon 'Star Power' Of Guv Kelly

This one is a bit of a stretch . . . But this kind of partisan hackery is why people still read TKC given that the alternatives are mostly cringe.

check-it . . .

"The 74-year-old Democrat has star power. Unlike Obama, who seemed more comfortable when proclaiming his words to an auditorium full of people rather than chatting in the confines of an editorial board meeting, Kelly connected with people one on one. While no grand orator, she spoke to an auditorium audience later that afternoon and sounded perfectly comfortable."

Read more via www.TonysKansasCity.com link . . .

Kansas Gov. Laura Kelly radiates rock star charisma. Our sluggish Legislature can't keep up. * Kansas Reflector

Watching Laura Kelly interact with people in Emporia -brought it home for me in a visceral way: Our governor is a rock star.
