Midtown Kansas City Mourns Johnny Romeo

Quite a few readers amongst our blog community have sent a note mourning on the passing of a Midtown Kansas City denizen beloved by quite a few locals.

The basics . . .

Friends & fellow travelers mourn the passing of Kansas City stylist Johnny Romeo.

Our favorite quote from recent public tribute: 

"You gotta be one magnificent bastard to walk around calling yourself Johnny Romeo. Motherf*cker walked that walk though. Glad to have known you. Sad to see you go."

A friend of a friend introduced TKC to the guy briefly . . . He seemed like a very chill person who was above the fray of local politics and we can respect that. 

Also, it's impressive that his many friends are sharing sympathy notes with back heart emojis 🖤🖤🖤 that were kind of the guy's trademark connection with closer friends.

Hoping that our post inspires better reporting and more tribute . . . Closing comments on this post out of respect and sympathy to so many people who loved the guy.

