Kansas City Star Scribe Condemns Karen BUT Was She Wrong?!?

Yelling at youngsters is a proud tradition for every middle-class white woman in the United States. 

It's a sign that a lady has given up on fun and moved past her wild youth whilst bravely entering into the golden years of womanhood which offer greater respect and far less interest from dudes who earn full-time incomes. 

This happens for most ladies at around 27 years of age. 

Accordingly . . .

A recent interaction is racially-charged, dumb and involves scooter etiquette . . . Which is something that doesn't exist in real life. 

Of course . . . The newspaper scribe blames the adult . . . Which isn't altogether unreasonable. 

Here's the crux of the report . . .

"If what the woman said about being a parent was true, that only makes her outburst look worse. How would she like it if an adult approached her children ranting and raving and cursing at them?"

Our takeaway . . . 

Why is this story in a newspaper???

It looks like a perfectly normal interaction. Annoying of course . . . But nothing worth sweating. Not every encounter can be nice and, to his credit, the scribe doesn't give much credence to the charges of racism from youngsters.

What's worse is that with so much happening in this town and throughout the world . . . Metro columnists are writing about suburban angst and not-so-quiet lives of desperation shared with bored online gawkers.

Take a peek at the embarrassing non-drama via www.TonysKansasCity.com embed to Insta . . .
