Kansas City Star Publishes Sketchy Trans Activist Advice For Youngsters

A line from this screed REALLY stands out as bad advice, irresponsible and misguided.

"We should not doubt that kids know what is best for themselves."

Ummmm . . . No. 

A casual read of Lord Of The Flies should prove this thesis incorrect along with anyone who remembers so many bad ideas they likely hatched as a youngster and how parents regularly save the lives of their children from so many silly choices. 

Of course we suggest compassion and understanding for everyone . . . The personal testimony here is important and we can only hope that RESPECTFUL DISAGREEMENT isn't mistaken as an act of hate but merely part of the Democratic process wherein voters are allowed to question experimental "science" and unproven policy.

In fairness, here's more from the activist . . .

"Taking away the limited support from teachers, doctors and mental health workers would only make the suicide and bullying rate rise. Trans people will always exist, no matter what bills do or do not pass. But enacting S.B. 233 would show trans kids that they don’t belong in our community and that no one is going to help them."

Read more via www.TonysKansasCity.com link . . .

Kansas politicians have no business telling families with transgender kids what to do | Opinion

A law that would forbid doctors from providing health care for trans minors is unnecessary and could have serious negative consequences.
