Kansas City Star Commits EPIC Stadium Tax Vote Election Typo?!?

Anybody who blogs or pens online content is guilty of this one . . . TKC has made some embarrassing but honest mistakes in our tenure.

The best readers are kind with this blog and typically send a nice note if they have a chance because this local newsy outlet is NOT a corporate news operation. 

However . . . 

One of our BEST & BRIGHTEST TKC READERS seems to believe that a recent mistake is a matter of priorities for the so-called paper of record . . . Check-it:

"I thought it failed??? The Kansas City Star needs to hire REAL editors for their website."

Actually . . . This one isn't so hard to understand . . . News outlets typically write up many stories they don't use in order to save time and make sure they're quickly updating content . . . In much the same way that Latin America and Africa are filled with youngsters wearing incorrect Super Bowl loser t-shirts.

Still . . . 

Clearly, the paper might have jumped the gun according to this screencap . . . 

Take a peek via www.TonysKansasCity.com . . .
