Kansas City Offers To Buy Royals From Unpopular Owner Sherman

At the zero hour and ahead of an election outcome that doesn't inspire much confidence from either side, there's a stunning new development . . .


The management structure would use the same model as the Green Bay Packers . . .

Sure, their organization may sound A LOT like socialism but the team is more competitive than the the Saints AND they continue to thrive in a vicious capitalistic marketplace . . . Which kinda signals that keyboard warriors don't know as much about economics as they'd like to believe . . . But I digress . . . 

Here's how the deal MIGHT work as the election showdown looms . . .

"Instead of a sole wealthy owner who won’t hesitate to leave if the city doesn’t pay up, the Packers are owned by more than 500,000 community shareholders – none of whom can own more than about 4% of the team’s stock. Unlike shareholders of other corporations, Packers owners can’t sell or cash in their shares. And unlike other teams, which generate windfall profits for the team owners, all Packers profits are invested back into the organization. Often these funds go toward stadium updates, giving the team a sort of opt-in public funding model that has repeatedly paid for the Packers’ community-oriented projects – even if they aren’t likely to yield a huge financial return. This structure has enabled the team and city to build a football mecca that, were it left solely to the high-rolling sports market, would have no business surviving in a small city like Green Bay, which has a population only a little over 100,000."

Read more via www.TonysKansasCity.com link . . .

The Green Bay Packers: where fans rather than a billionaire are the owners

US sports teams often leverage the threat of relocation to access taxpayers' money. But the Packers have thrived under a community driven model
