Kansas City Legal Fight Against 'Local Control' ALMOST Explained

Tonight we check an update on the upcoming courtroom fight.

A few things that locals always seem to forget . . .

KCPD tried "local control" once back in the 30s and organized crime took over almost immediately shortly thereafter. 

Also . . .

There's also a move in Jeff City that seems to want to TAKE BACK "LOCAL CONTROL" FROM STL. 

More to the point . . . 

We're not really talking about "local" control . . . This is an argument for "council control" and anybody who has seen the Water department in action knows that's nothing that voters really want to consider.

Still . . . Here's a glimpse at the debate as it stands right now . . .

Lawyer Spencer Webster is bringing the case and he says that law dates back to the Civil War era and that it’s unconstitutional.

“When you pass something with a discriminatory intent, it has a discriminatory effect as we’ve seen here, that’s really unconstitutional on its face and we think we have a really strong case here,” Webster said.

Read more via www.TonysKansasCity.com link . . .

KC Local Control lawsuit waiting on legal responses

Three women from Kansas City and their lawyers think they have the right case to get local control of the Kansas City Police Department.
