Kansas City AA Info From Our Blog Readers

Something we've noticed over years of gathering local news . . .

There's a great deal of  local "content" promoting local boozing but very little reporting about the consequences beyond first responders having to clean up the pickled remains of careless motorists and many innocent people after tragic, often fatal,  DUI crashes. 

Again, for Sunday we wanted our blog community to consider . . .

April is Alcohol Awareness Month 

Even better . . .

A very special thanks to one of our KICK-ASS TKC READERS for sending this really nice note that offers great info about an organization that has helped MILLIONS of people . . . Check-it:

"I hope you include Alcoholics Anonymous in your features on alcohol.  The local website is KC-AA.org.  There are well over 100 AA groups in the metro KC area.  I belong to a group that holds 46 meetings a week and has about 500 members.

"There are no dues or fees to join AA.  The only membership requirement is that it is for people who want to stop drinking.  You don’t even have to stop, you just have to want to stop.  AA takes no government or foundation funds.  Only members of the AA groups may contribute to its operation.

"We have members in the wealthiest areas of the city, and we have members in the poorest.  Our members are from all walks of life, including doctors, lawyers, construction workers, teachers, and small business owners.  We even let journalists join!"

Read more via www.TonysKansasCity.com link . . .

