Could Populous Report Save The K?!?

Think tank bloggers are desperately seeking not-so-secret info that might save Kansas City's most beloved ball park . . . If not the team.

Check-it . . .

That report became an issue again when the Royals announced they wanted to leave Kauffman Stadium. The findings from the Populous report run counter to another publicly available engineering report that found Kauffman to be in satisfactory condition, with no mention of any significant concrete issues. . . . When Mayor James handed me the report, there were two brightly colored sticky notes on the report. On each was written “Populous studies.” (Photographs available here and here.) But the documents themselves were not the Populous study. 

The Royals seemed to drop the claims of faulty concrete pretty quickly. On a March 27 discussion on Sports Radio 810, Royals President Brooks Sherman said, “We need a new stadium to be competitive with our peers”. Later on that same program, Executive Director of the Jackson County Sports Complex Authority Jim Rowland said, of the teams, “They’ve kept the buildings in first class condition”

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Where is That Populous Report on Kauffman Stadium? - Show Me Institute

On November 9, 2023, Kansas City public radio (KCUR) reported: According to a report released by Populous in 2022, a stadium design firm that's done work
