Christian 'Alternative' Rant Draws Ire From Johnson County Conservatives

In fact . . . Some are calling it outright hate speech given that these kind of comments directed at any other faith community would have elicited stern rebuke and possibly a door knock from law enforcement . . . Check-it:

"The March 7, 2024 meeting, (a) local resident came into the meeting virtually to deliver an anti-Christian screed that had nothing to do with “matters that pertain to or involve” the county government. Because public comments are not broadcast at Johnson County Commission meetings, an audio file of the comments was provided to the Sentinel."

Read more via link . . .

Johnson County Commission Chairman allows anti-Christian rant that violates county policy

(The Sentinel) -- Johnson County, Kansas, Commission Chair Mike Kelly has taken steps to stifle citizens who are concerned with or critical of county actions, but he apparently welcomes anti-Christian...

Johnson County Commission Chairman allows anti-Christian rant that violates county policy - The Sentinel

Johnson County Commission Chair Mike Kelly attempts to stifle citizens who have concerns about county business, and should have stopped the rant that violates county policy.
