Survey Seyz: Power Move At Border Boosts Guv Parson Popularity

A recent bit of public opinion data . . . We don't argue these stats but notice that some of the sentiment around the KCMO might be tainted/flavored by sentiments about the Britt Reid pass . . . Check-it:

"In a recent SLU/You Gov poll Parson has increased his approval rating to  85% amongst republcians, up again from February. His overall his approval rating was +10% with 52% approving vs. 42% disapproving of the job he has done as Governor.

"Further, Parson has a 49% approval rating among independents, with only 11% of democrats not approving of his job performance. However, 28% of African-Americans approve of the job he has done as Governor . . .

"Parson’s increasing popularity could be tied to his recent actions on the border crisis. 75% of Missourians said they believe there is a crisis at the border, and that it should solved 'immediately'."

Read more via link . . .

Parson garners near historic job approval among republican voters

In a party that agrees on very little these days, one thing Missouri republicans seemingly agree on is their support for Governor Mike Parson.
