Survey Seyz Missouri Voters Narrowly Endorse Abortion Ballot Issue

The surprise here is that the margin is a lot closer than we suspected . . . The reality is that the vote in Kansas wasn't even close . . . Accordingly, we suspect there's a strong likelihood that "the science" of this poll might have been strategically "massaged" to encourage GOP hard liners to abandon their fight to keep this issue away from the ballot . . . But that's just a theory . . . Again, here's the science . . .  

"The St. Louis University/YouGov Poll conducted in February found that 44% of those surveyed would vote for abortion rights after hearing the ballot language, while 37% were opposed. The support was held across income, education and racial subgroups. Almost one-fifth of voters, 19%, said they were unsure how they would vote.

"Along partisan lines, Democrats showed the strongest support, at 71%, while only 24% of Republicans support the proposal."

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Missourians Back Initiative to Restore Abortion Rights by Small Margin, Poll Finds

A new poll shows a plurality of Missourians support restoring abortion rights as they existed under Roe v. Wade, but undecided voters hold the key to victory.
