Report: No Arrests After Gunfire Near North Kansas City High School Basketball Game

Local news highlights a statement from an educator expressing her sympathy.

However . . . 

Read this passage closely, we've highlighted the detail that is probably far more important than inspiring sentiments . . .

" 'This incident weighs heavy on my heart,' North Kansas City School District superintendent Dr. Rochel Daniels stated said in her message sent to district patrons. 'In one moment, I was enjoying amazing competition between our incredible teams; then in the next, watching students and families scatter as gunfire rang out. Amid the initial chaos, our staff, community members, emergency personnel and law enforcement responded immediately, providing tremendous leadership and care.'

"A crime scene was found near the football field entrance. No arrests have been made."

Read more via link . . .

NKC School District superintendent on Saturday night shootings: 'This incident weighs heavy on my heart'

A message Sunday night from NKC Schools Superintendent Dr. Rochel Daniels stated, "No one, especially no child, should ever have to experience what some did yesterday - running from gunfire."
