Prairie Village Mayor Chides Council Lady For Women's History Month

This local political beef deserves a look from our blog community as suburban progressive leaders often encourage political civility and respect for women but DON'T ALWAYS practice what they preach.

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Here's a perspective that we respect and the clip so that readers can decide the political debate for themselves . . .

"Prairie Village Mayor Eric Mikkelson showed the residents of the city once again an example of his never-ending hypocritical statements. He demands everyone stay civil and respect each other during the beginning of each meeting. However, after Lori Sharp (Ward 3 councilmember) questioned the city finance administrator on the city's recent $10,000 payment to David Waters and Spencer-Fane legal team Mikkelson went directly into attack mode, putting the need for the funds on his personal fight against Ms. Sharp's husband. Not mentioned were the $10k going towards other legal work nor did Mikkelson mention how the city council went into executive session last September and THEY, THEMSELVES, voted to sue PV United and the 3700 residents who followed state statutes and asked for a right to vote on any city-wide rezoning. THEY stopped the resident's right to vote and are using city taxpayer funds, now well in excess of $100k, to fight THEIR OWN RESIDENTS in court, NOT Ms. Sharp's husband. For a night when the council, just minutes before, dedicated a proclamation to Women's History Month his timing to bully a woman was quite ironic as well."

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