Newsflash: Royals & Chiefs Donate EPIC Cash To Question 1

This week campaign finance reporting with the Missouri Ethics Commission reveals BIG BUCKS from the Royals & Chiefs to push Jackson County Question 1 over the finish line. 

Meanwhile . . . As of this writing the opposition hasn't provided much in the way of reporting and don't seem to have any major donors so far. 

Again . . . 

None of this seem fair but unless you've been living under a rock for most of your adult life you should understand: 


This is why the Mayor had a war chest of more than a million bucks without a credible opponent. 

This is why opposition to At-Large council member incumbents is nearly impossible. 

Don't like it???

What are you willing to donate to the other side???

TKC has offered a ton of likes & shares and even a few sympathetic posts . . . Meanwhile . . .

MILLIONS OF BUCKS puts voters in busses, gets teams to gather early voting ballots and mobilizes armies of campaign workers to wrangle the electorate from every corner of the urban core. 

Of course we're hopeful but there is no denying the power of cash to produce outcomes in a capitalist society. 

And so . . . Here's the money line that's only news to people who haven't been paying attention:

"The Chiefs and Royals have each contributed another $500,000 to their campaign committee in support of the stadiums sales tax ballot measure before voters in the April 2 election, newly filed campaign finance records show. That brings the total to $2 million that the teams have given the The Committee to Keep the Chiefs and Royals in Jackson County committee."

Read more via links . . .

Royals and Chiefs pump another $1 million into their campaign for stadiums sales tax

The teams have now contributed at least $2 million to the campaign committee pushing for a 40-year stadiums sales tax.

KSHB 41's Kevin Holmes, Chiefs President Mark Donovan discuss stadium sales tax

KSHB 41's Kevin Holmes and Kansas City Chiefs President Mark Donovan discussed the upcoming stadium sales tax question in a one-on-one interview.
