Kansas GOP Sorry After Prez Biden Punching Bag Incident: 'We're Better Than That'

This blog community didn't really think it was THAT big of a big deal and the whole thing came off rather silly.

However . . . Here's the word from the Sunflower State party leader who might be using the mini-crisis to remove some of his colleagues . . . Check-it:

"In a statement Monday afternoon, state GOP Chair Mike Brown who won election as party chair last year said the effigy was from an outside exhibitor in the karate/self-defense space that had rented a booth at the event.

"Brown said no one from from the KSGOP leadership or staff attended the event or had input on the exhibitors.

"In his social media post, Kuckelman called on Brown and Johnson County Republican Party Chair Maria Holiday to resign.

"Please join me in condemning last nights baseball bat beating of the effigy of President Biden, and join me in calling for resignations of Mike Brown and Maria Holiday, Kuckelman said. We are Republicans, and we are better than this."

Read more via www.TonysKansasCity.com link . . .

Kansas GOP chair calls display of Biden effigy at event 'unfortunate'

The Chairman of the Kansas Republican Party said Monday that a display of a President Biden effigy at a Republican event Friday was "unfortunate."
