Kansas City Talker Pete Mundo Breaks Down Question 1 Campaign Crunch Time

This note from Kansas City's top conservative talker is a MUST READ for anybody who wants to know more about how local media cover an issue that has this cowtwn split down the middle.

There are a ton of great observations from behind the scenes but this passage is our favorite . . .

"The vote has resulted in millions of dollars flooding our local airwaves from the teams asking voters to vote “Yes” on April 2nd. The notion that this is a slam dunk due to the Chiefs’ recent success is inaccurate. In fact, the teams just dumped another $1 million into their campaign because they are nervous it won’t pass.

"This story is not a sports story. It’s what news/talk radio does at its core. It’s about taxes. Big business vs. small business. Eminent domain. Incentives used by municipalities. And yes, it’s about politics . . .

"The story pits activist, progressive groups against billionaire owners, while anti-tax conservative folks are also expressing their dissatisfaction. In fact, politics makes strange bedfellows, and that’s exactly what we are getting with a liberal, urban core joining forces with a rural, conservative core, to try and stop the tax. Fascinating times."

Read more via www.TonysKansasCity.com link . . .

BNM: News/Talk Radio Can Cover Stories in Ways Sports Can Only Wish For

Developing . . .
