Kansas City Star Blames Fmr. Prez Trump For Blunders By Prosecutors

Just a glimpse at the newspaper writing stump speeches that aren't really analysis or insight but merely serve to convince us of the propaganda distributed by some of the better MSNBC programing.


"Though I believe Trump, like anyone else, should be held to account for his illegal acts, our criminal justice system does not and never has treated everyone the same way. Donald Trump has gotten special consideration all along, especially from Biden’s timid attorney general Merrick Garland, who hoped to avoid the messiness of prosecuting a former president.

"But don’t we all know that it would be better for our already fragile democracy if we voted to keep this world-class grifter out of office rather than relying on our judicial system to do that?

"Of course, if we do decide to reelect Joe Biden instead, Trump will still say he won, and his ensorceled followers will still believe him."

Read more via www.TonysKansasCity.com links . . .

The lesson of Fani Willis: Don't hand Team Trump any sticks with which to beat you | Opinion

This decision is a relief, but we can't count on the courts to save our democracy. From Melinda Henneberger:

Jeffrey Toobin warns Fani Willis' case against Trump is 'going nowhere'

Jeffrey Toobin returned to CNN on Friday and warned the Georgia case against Donald Trump was "not going anywhere," and said Friday had been a "great day" for him.
