Kansas City St. Patrick's Day Parade 2024 Celebrates 50th Year

By now . . . Readers of this blog already know how the Kansas City St. Paddy's Day parade tradition was born at Hogerty’s Cocktail Lounge . . . So we can dispense with the "family friendly" illusions.

Also . . . If nobody has told you yet . . .


A bit more about today's festivities for adventurous souls . . .

The Parade takes place every March 17th, regardless of the day it falls on whether weekend or weekday, starting at 11:00 a.m. at Broadway & Linwood streets. See the Parade Route on a map. The Parade usually ends around 1:30 p.m.

Our take . . .

The parade is typically safe but NOBODY is making any promises about drunken Westport loitering shortly thereafter . . . Which PROBABLY might not be the best place to take your suburbanite family if they aren't already problem drinkers. Your mileage may vary and if history is any indication . . . Suburban anxiety and hiding under your bed out of fear of the real world is never as entertaining as it seems.

As always, here at www.TonysKansasCity.com we want folks to have a safe & fun time . . .

There have been shootings, gun-play and all manner of a ruckus at these parades before . . . But, again, that's part of the charm of the event . . . And basically, people who aren't looking for trouble USUALLY escape with a good story.

There might not be a lot of updates later today but, per ushe . . . 

We wish everyone good luck.
