Kansas City Spring Cleaning Coming Soon Amid Season Of Junkie Litter

If you're going to do one of these . . . Watch your hands and wear puncture resistant gloves . . . The hobos have a bad habit of leaving their junk in the worst places and we don't want anybody to get hurt trying to do a nice thing . . . Still, here's a peek at good vibes that will evaporate by the time Summer comes around the locals start getting REALLY mad with the city for lack of local trimming and maintenance . . . Check-it:

Roll up your sleeves and join the Great Kansas City Cleanup on April 19 - 22!

Neighborhood associations, community groups, students, city staff and others will volunteer at litter and trash pickup events across the city, with support from multiple city departments such as KC Parks, Public Works, KC Water, and Neighborhood Services.

There are two ways to help – join an already scheduled cleanup event, or organize your own cleanup event.

Read more via www.TonysKansasCity.com link . . .

KCMO: The Great Kansas City Cleanup
