Kansas City Royals Downtown Stadium Promises EPIC Jobs & Billions Worth Of Income

Actually and objectively . . .

Despite so many amateur economists online . . . The promise of more Kansas City jobs is substantial and worthy of public subsidy . . . Sadly, the Royals campaign is so secretive and timid that there's nobody out there driving this point home.

Releasing economic info tidbits on a Friday night was a mistake and gives our beloved Crossroads resistance the upper-hand when, in fact, most small biz in the hipster district aren't hiring half as many people as a stadium could. 

Sorry . . . But the niche Crossroads economy has only supported a small sect of part-time workers and owners WHEREAS bold municipal construction projects power economies across the world . . . Even when, tragically, they tear down your favorite tattoo shop. 

Yes . . . We're playing devil's advocate just a bit if only because online skeptics seem to be dominating the conversation by way of cherry-picked crib notes from right-wing think tanks which have always sought the demise of Kansas City, Missouri amid their desperate attempts to achieve upper-class tax breaks. 

And so . . .

Here's the rosy economic predictions that won't help so many people who just want to sit at home and complain on the Internets . . . Check-it:

"According to a Friday morning presentation, the new stadium is estimated to create about 26,000 jobs and generate an estimated $1.8 billion in income over the construction period.

"Within the first year of operation, 5,400 jobs are expected to be supported with a projection of $300 million in labor income from these new jobs. After the first year, 8,400 jobs are expected to be created on an annual basis with $440 million in labor income."

Read more via www.TonysKansasCity.com link . . .

Royals' economic projections for proposed Crossroads location sparks support, skepticism

Specifically, the team's projections include 26,000 construction jobs and $3.8 billion of economic impact during that phase.

KC Royals share projected economic impact of proposed stadium

The Royals say the future of the Crossroads District as their potential new home is bright. They shared updates about its projected economic impact on Friday.

Royals predicting huge economic impact for downtown stadium

Ahead of the quickly approaching April 2 vote, the Kansas City Royals are making some big predictions about the economic impact of a downtown stadium.

Developing . . .
