Kansas City Faith Blogger Examines Leftist Surge In Antisemitism

This longtime local newsman does an EXCELLENT job of synthesizing a recent book but ultimately misses the point.

Here's his takeaway . . . 

"Until the Hamas-Israel war ends (if even then), there's every reason to imagine that the explosions of antisemitism from all these and other sources will continue. As a Christian, I am appalled at the role Christianity has played in helping to create modern antisemitism."

That's nice . . .

But in making the argument about himself he misses the bigger picture and glosses over the main point of the book he reviews --- So-called progressives are now at the forefront of ancient hatred . . . Or, on second thought, maybe his subtext accurately implicates his political ideology as part of a growing problem which contradicts otherwise worthwhile religious ideas. 

There's a lot to unpack in this post and, as always, plenty of blame to share . . .

Read more via www.TonysKansasCity.com link . . .

Faith Matters Blog:  How can this bitter resurgence of antisemitism be explained?
