This would be easier to ignore if not for an inconvenient fact . . .
Amid other issues connected to boosterism inside the loop . . . The Downtown Council typically meets with widespread support and adoring praise . . . This is the first time in a long time when they have been confronted with overwhelming grassroots push back . . . Still, here's their pitch:
"Jackson County voters will be deciding the future of the existing sales tax that they have been paying for decades but this time with significantly more benefits to the entire community. When considering those benefits, the overall economic benefit for our region, and the sense of pride our professional sports teams provide, there is overwhelming value in voting “YES” to extend the 3/8-cent sales tax."
Read more via www.TonysKansasCity.com link . . .
Downtown Council encourages a YES vote on April 2nd - Downtown Council of Kansas City
The DTC encourages a "YES" vote on April 2nd to keep the Chiefs and Royals in Jackson County for the next generation.
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