Kansas City Dead-Tree Pop Tart Challenge Confronts Taylor Swift

This news item is noteworthy only because newspaper advertising remains "a thing" even though most of us learned of this stunt by way of the Internets . . . Check-it:

To get Swift’s attention, the Kellogg’s brand took out a full-page ad in the Friday (March 1) issue of the Kansas City Star. “To KC’s most famous fan, we heard you have a Pop-Tarts pastry recipe,” it reads, according to a release. “We’re tortured not knowing more about this DIY delight. What’s the filling? Does it have frosting? Do they have little holes?”

 The message continues with a company pledge to donate to Harvesters, a local food bank, as well as a promise to double its contribution if the “Anti-Hero” singer springs her recipe from the vault. “And this time, we’ll make sure coach gets a bite,” it concludes. “You in?”

Read more via www.TonysKansasCity.com link . . .

Pop-Tarts Challenges Taylor Swift to 'Release the Recipe' After She Made Pastries for Kansas City Chiefs

Pop-Tarts has asked Taylor Swift to share her recipe for the homemade pop-tarts she baked for Travis Kelce and the Kansas City Chiefs.
