Kansas City Activist Clay Chastain Preaches Against Jackson County Sales Tax Extension

In this note from a longtime local denizen of the political scene . . . 

We believe that he's referring to a recent pro-tax commercial from a local faith leader. 

Also in this note sent to www.TonysKansasCity.com local media throughout the area . . .  

He shares his hopes for KCMO and voting advice for locals . . . Here's the word:

Clay Chastain Press release: A Great Turnaround is upon us. Notwithstanding Pastor Ron & our leaderless Mayor, if you are a thinking person (coupled with a conscience) you'll start this transposition by Voting No on the 3/8-cent (vague) Stadium Tax - a sorry tax packaged to gouge the poor from those who are not poor.

Yes Pastor Ron, the Royals & Chiefs will toss in $500 million each, if the beleaguered taxpayers of KC toss in $2-billion plus over the next 40-years. And, what a deal for the poor who can't even afford to go to a game and struggle to meet their daily living needs.

Render under Caesar (nicer Coliseums for his entertainment) whatever he wants, Pastor Ron?  Think of the far nobler improvements we could achieve for KC if this tax were repurposed to provide...safer streets, cleaner neighborhoods, modern transit, more educational opportunities for the disadvantaged & to catch up on our City's unmaintained infrastructure ($5-billion worth).

Since Mayor Lucas is too weak to oppose this ignoble scheme, he should step aside, high tail it to DC & and make it possible for a new, better leader to emerge.

The Royals & Chiefs have hinted they will move on if the tax is voted down. Voters should call them on it. If they don't appreciate the nice facilities the taxpayers have thus provided them, then we can re-engineer & revitalize our City without them.

Besides, our great fall began when KC started to squander taxpayer money on excessive sports, entertainment & glitz for the wealthy. People will be amazed at what we can do to turn KC around with the right vision, right leader & right state of Community... one enjoined in (noble) mind & purpose.

To initiate the "Great Turnaround", Vote No on the Stadium Tax.

KC Activist, Clay Chastain

Developing . . .
