Johnson County Skips Presidential Primary

A glimpse at the future that's even less enthusiastic that white lady Lana Del Rey pretending to be a Latina . . . The Golden Ghetto doesn't really care about the fate of the nation. 

Maybe . . . 

Our 2nd favorite suburban blog offers a glimpse at 2024 voter malaise and a hint that most of those angry online comments are engagement bots or people struggling to overcome an existential threat from extreme loneliness in a way that elicits some kind of response . . . From another human who still probably doesn't care.

"The 28,060 ballots cast Tuesday represented only a 6.1% turnout. More Republicans than Democrats cast ballots. GOP turnout was about 9% compared with 7.5% for Democrats."

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JoCo's presidential primary election had only 6% voter turnout

Turnout for Tuesday's presidential preference primary in Johnson County was much lower than election officials were expecting. Here's what you need to know.
