Jackson Mahomes 'No Contest' Plea Explained: Can He Stay Out Of Trouble?!?

Warmer weather is on the horizon and the social media star remains infamous for his sketchy behavior in public spaces despite his recent good fortune in a Johnson County courtroom.

Here's a note that offers a perspective on the challenges confronting "Mahomes The Lesser" as he hopefully moves forward and beyond drama involving a former lady friend:

"In legal parlance, a no contest plea means a defendant accepts a court’s conviction without admitting guilt. On Thursday, Jackson did just that via videoconference and was placed on unsupervised probation for six months

"Legally, Jackson is not off the hook yet. He must stay clear of trouble for the next six months to avoid jail time. He faced much more serious allegations connected to this case but was fortunate those charges were dropped earlier this year like a slick football on a cold, rainy day in November."

Read more via www.TonysKansasCity.com link . . .

Jackson Mahomes isn't quite off the hook yet. Now his fate is in his own hands | Opinion

After a judge accepted his no contest plea, Kansas City's most famous little brother needs to stay out of trouble. From Toriano Porter:
