Jackson County Political Bickering Dominates Gun Violence Meeting

They really can't stand each other at the courthouse nowadays . . . 

Accordingly, this report doesn't show it but this meeting and so many others have been dominated by arguing over procedural moves that reflect a deeper divide amongst politicos who were formerly on the same team.

Don't believe TKC . . . Just check Manny's X/Twitter feed that provides a great many deets on a lot of drama.

Nevertheless . . .

Here's the bright side and agreement on a letter that will be promptly placed in the circular file:

"It's the third Monday after the Super Bowl parade shooting, and it's the third time a few county lawmakers have met to try to find ways to solve the gun violence problem that has been plaguing the Kansas City community for decades. 

"The county introduced a resolution to send a lobbyist to Jefferson City, pushing for local control on gun laws."

Read more via www.TonysKansasCity.com link . . .

Committee of Jackson County legislators holds third meeting on gun violence

Community leaders are expressing their frustrations and calling for change.
