Activist Clay Chastain Shares 'Desperado' Update On KCMO Lawsuit

The longtime petitioner sent out this message that might not inspire much commentary but still deserves a look:

Press release: Chastain's heavyweight title fight against Lucas (and who will reign as Mayor) goes into the middle rounds as Lucas summons his legal staff (50-City attorneys on payroll) to file, yet, another Motion to Dismiss (Suggestions in Support) against Chastain's (Pro se) lawsuit against Lucas & the City for malicious arrest, malicious prosecution and election interference

Like a desperado waiting for the train, outsider / rebel Chastain hangs on in his legal fight with Lucas as he hopes for a good outcome (save KC & Democracy) even though Lucas is throwing everything in his legal arsenal (50-City lawyers on staff) at Chastain. Undaunted, Chastain counters with a vicious legal combination that staggers Team Lucas. Chastain exposes Lucas' attempt to bamboozle the court with the illusory truth effect (which describes how when we hear the same false information repeated again and again, we often come to believe it is true). Seeking to try that case again, Lucas & Counsel keeps repeating to the court (at hand) that Chastain was arrested and prosecuted for violating the City's campaigning law when a City Court of Law has already ruled otherwise. Lucas also keeps repeating his bogus claim that he is protected by sovereign immunity because his malicious arrest & prosecution of Chastain was a governmental function done for the common good. When in fact, Lucas' ignoble order to have security arrest Chastain and have the City's legal department prosecute Chastain (for no valid reason), was a proprietary function initiated for Lucas' good. And thus, such a self-serving base action (not involving security) is not shielded by the doctrine of sovereign immunity.

Lucas also repeats his claim that the City had probable cause to prosecute Chastain even though the City's OWN video played in court proved Chastain was not campaigning, Chastain did not create any disturbance, Chastain did not trespass and Chastain did not commit any crime. Not only that, the City's head of security testified under oath (upon cross examination by Chastain) that he never saw Chastain campaigning at City Hall, yet he was the one who arrested Chastain (following Lucas' orders) for campaigning at City Hall! Lucas & the City are trying to double talk the Court in order to get the Court to dismiss their crime against an innocent citizen. Chastain's official reply to the Lucas trickery was mailed today to the Court.

Stay tuned because the outcome of this heavyweight title fight will likely determine if citizens have the right to political dissent @ City Hall (on City Council hearing day) and who will lead Kansas City in the next 4-years, as Mayor.

KC Desperado, Clay Chastain.   


Developing . . .
