Activist Announcer Hartzell Gray Moves On From Sporting KC

A rising star celebrity has garnered an outpouring of support from his many fans following a triumphant tenure with the major league franchise.

Here's a recent social media message from Hartzell Gray that merits attention:

"I’ve called my last match with @SportingKC . . . I wish them well in their future entertainment endeavors. 9 Years, you & me. What an incredible run."

Now, for those who don't know . . . Hartzell has garnered accolades for hosting the best local podcast and his work on 96.5 along with appearances on a few other stations.

Now . . . As election season heats up . . . We notice Mr. Gray stepping up his activist endeavors.

Via link . . . Here's a recent glimpse at his advocacy:

Hartzell Gray - Show Me Progress

Missourians for Constitutional Freedom, the PAC gathering signatures for an initiative to place women's reproductive rights, women's health care, and access to abortion on the ballot, and their allies held volunteer training, petition signings, and rallies across locations in Missouri Tuesday evening. Hartzell Gray acted as the master of ceremonies for the Kansas City rally.
